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Josef Musil

Josef Musil is a Czech national with more than 25 year’s experience in the property industry. His experience is broad ranging, with a focus on advising and representing local and international investors and developers to assist them in obtaining optimum terms both for acquisition and sale of a wide range of property assets. Josef has also been involved in property management and a number of other aspects of serving investors’ and developers’ and assisting them to meet their goals. To date, Josef has been involved in property transactions with a total volume of some €1,5 bill.        

For five years Josef was an integral part of Colliers International’s  Investment Advisory Group, focusing on investment agency work. He has also had a longstanding involvement with the Marcol Group (with over €5 billion invested throughout the EU) and Master Management, for whom he was the sole representative in the Czech Republic from 2007 to 2016, with his role including property management and advisory functions.


Additionally, from 2016 till 2021 Josef has worked as Business Director of DRFG Real Estate and built portfolio of nearly 350 mil EUR of retail, logistic and food stores mainly in Czech Republic and Poland. Josef was responsible for developing strategy of “new to industry” player and forming the group in transactions across various market sectors in both the Czech and Poland.


Recognising emerging trends within property sector, Josef is joining the HD Consult as “task force” team member.

Markus Dvorak

Markus Dvorak is a Senior Banker and expert in real estate, project finance, project development, and structured finance, having gained more than 30 years of experience in different sectors.  

Before cofounding HD Consult he served  as managing director of Immoconsult International (subsidiary of Austrian Volksbanken AG/Investkredit) responsible for the management of all subsidiaries in the CEE/SEE – region. Beside the customer relationship tasks for international clients, the participation in developing and implementing of company and sales strategies, he also was in charge of the organizational and structural development of the subsidiaries in all foreign countries. In the last years he additionally took over financial restructuring, portfolio optimization and restructuring tasks.


Beforehand he served for several years as Head of Sales in Immorent CZ s.r.o. (Erste Bank Group) in Prague , the biggest real estate leasing company in Czech Republic with a market share of 56% of the yearly underwriting volume.


Markus Dvorak started his career in the banking sector as  key account manager in IMMORENT AG, Vienna, with responsibility for big ticket real estate financing and main contact for international cooperation partners. Experiences in tax advisory and management consultancy complete his profile.


Markus Dvorak disposes  of a euro wide network and has a very pragmatic and direct way of working. His experience and creativity enables him to develop various options and solutions for his clients and to communicate it in a clear way.


Markus Dvorak has a master degree  in Economics from Vienna University. He was born 1972 in Vienna; he is fluent in English, German and has basic knowledge in Czech.

Gerhard Höfler

Gerhard Hoefler was a senior banker focusing on origination and transaction execution in real estate, renewable energy and project finance. With 30 years of experience in structured finance and in the CEE/SEE region he added a strong capacity for pricing, modelling and portfolio analysis to our client service and asset management.   


Gerhard passed away much to early in October 2021 - the team of HD Consult will miss him as a colleague and as a friend.


Before cofounding HD Consult he served as the Managing Director of IMMOCONSULT Leasinggesellschaft mbH, Vienna, a subsidiary of Volksbank AG with global responsibility for sales, refinancing, property development, organization and IT focusing the unit on the CEE region.


Between June 2000 and August 2006 he was a key driver of the expansion of ERSTE Bank’s  IMMORENT AG. Gerhard Höfler was a Managing Director at IMMORENT CZ s.r.o,. including all its Czech property SPVs, responsible for  real estate and equipment leasing as well as the proprietary development of office real estate. Overall, he managed to  increase the annual new underwriting from EUR 1.7 m in 2000 to  EUR 250 m in 2005 reaching a national market share of 56%. As of 2006 he was tasked to also develop IMMORENT’s new subsidiaries in Romania and Bulgaria with a business volume of another EUR 400 m.


Beforehand he served for two years at PSK Bank AG, Vienna where he was responsible for the system development and implementation of equity securities controlling, employing his prior experience gained as head of controlling and accounting for medium sized Neuroth GmbH, Austria, and in his seven years from 1990 at then regional market leader CA Leasing GmbH, Vienna, today’s Unicredit Leasing. At CA Leasing he was the Head of Controlling and Contract Management covering all cross-border leasing transactions. During that time he already spent 21 months in 1996 and 1997 at CAC Leasing a.s. Prag, a JV with Komercni Banka.


Gerhard started his career in 1986 serving for four years as assistant to the board of BANK FÜR WIRTSCHAFT UND FREIE BERUFE AG, Vienna.


Born in Austria in 1960 Gerhard holds a masters degree from Vienna School of Economics where he majored in Banking and Insurance in 1986. He is fluent in English and German with literacy in Czech.

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